CEF Hosts Because of CEF…Video Competition
In celebration of 50 years of Incentive Awards to aspiring Chicago engineers, Chicago Engineers’ Foundation (CEF) hosted the inaugural Because of CEF…video competition for college-level awardees. Students shared short videos demonstrating the impact CEF’s award and career development programming continues to have on achieving their engineering career goals.
Many students submitted entries for this special competition. The CEF Board of Directors selected seven finalists and announced the 3 winners at the June 13th Award Celebration.
Thank you to all the competition participants and judges. Special thanks to the team at Golden Square for all of their amazing work, and to Board members Paul Barter, Michael Driscoll and William Williams for spearheading this initiative.
Congratulations to the Because of CEF… winners!
1st Place: Matthew Kadus, University of Kentucky
2nd Place: Vivian Auduong, Stanford University
3rd Place: Alan Nguyen, Purdue University
Visit the CEF YouTube Channel to view all of the finalist videos.