Join the Chicago Engineers’ Foundation Legacy Society!
The leadership of the Chicago Engineers‘ Foundation invites individuals to become part of the Legacy Society.
This year is the 120th anniversary of the Chicago Engineers’ Club, CEF’s founding organization. From the Club’s time as
a network for local engineers, to the current mission empowering the next generation of engineers, CEF has been part of the past, present. and future of engineering in Chicago. To commemorate the indelible mark the Chicago Engineers’ Club began in Chicago, and the forward focus CEF continues as a student-focused nonprofit, the organization has established a Legacy Society. The Legacy Society honors the past and looks even further ahead. Society members will focus on the future through contributions that will help ensure decades of opportunities for future engineers.
Legacy Society members designate a planned gift or endowed contribution in support of future programming for Chicago’s next generation of engineers. Consider a planned contribution to Chicago Engineers’ Foundation (CEF) to create a legacy of giving for Chicago’s future engineers. Your investment makes a lasting impact for engineering students and many opportunities are available. Planned gifts help you meet your personal, financial and estate planning goals by making a lifetime or testamentary charitable contribution.
Legacy Society Commitment Form
Ways to make a planned gift include (but are not limited to):
IRA Rollover
Make an IRA rollover gift this year and in future years.
Designate Chicago Engineers’ Foundation as the beneficiary of your assets by will, trust, or other instrument.
Charitable Lead Trust
Transfer your cash or property to fund a lead trust that makes gifts to CEF for a number of years. You receive a charitable deduction for the gift. Your family receives the remainder at substantial tax savings.
Endowment Contribution
Make a major gift or pledge ($20,000 or beyond) to the Endowment Fund. Opportunities are available to create a an annual scholarship award sponsorship with your endowment contribution.
Planned Giving Resources:
Planned Giving Myths Explained
Sample Planned Giving Language
For more information on the Legacy Society and planned giving opportunities, contact Debbie Birrell, Executive Director, at [email protected]