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CEF Hosts Annual Student Success Workshop

On August 2, 2019, Chicago Engineers’ Foundation (CEF) presented the organization’s third annual Summer career development activity for Incentive Award recipients.  Members of the CEF Class of 2019 gathered at the Union League Club of Chicago to spend an afternoon with professionals to work on resume development, interview skills and other career-related topics.  Professionals in engineering, technology, finance, law and more volunteer their time to serve as mentors as they evaluate student resumes, facilitate mock interview sessions, and present their own perspectives on a variety of topics.

In 2017, the organization expanded its core services to include the Student Success Initiatives, a series of opportunities to support award recipients as they work towards achieving their engineering career goals.  Workshops are held each August, with a professional networking event each January (during school breaks) to bring awardees and professional volunteers together.

Following the August workshop, award recipients submit resumes to be part of CEF’s 3rd annual Resume Exchange, an online resume database for Incentive Award recipients seeking engineering internship opportunities.  The Exchange is viewed by a variety of local and national companies seeking interns for summer 2020.  Since its inception, the Resume Exchange has benefited more than 70 student award recipients and successfully helped several students gain valuable internship experience in the engineering industry.

Visit the Student Success Initiatives page for more information about the Chicago Engineers’ Foundation career development programming.